Monday, March 23, 2009

Do not procrastinate... Live and Love every moment..

In one of my earlier blogs, I had written about living the present moment.. Though this article that I came across today, is about procrastination, it seemed to have relevance to what I wrote in my earlier blog..

There is a saying ( "Subhaashitaani") in Sanskrit, which reads as follows:
na kaSchith api jaanaathi kim kasya SvaH bhavishyathi
athaH SvaH karaNeeyaani kuryaath adhya eva buddhimaan

Which means:
"No one knows what will happen tomorrow to us or to others. And therefore, the wise man does today itself, what is to be done tomorrow. "

A perfect advice against procrastination. Often we tend to postpone things either due to laziness or because it is either difficult or undesirable. We also take things for granted and often go through life without expressing our love and appreciation to others until it is too late. We get caught up with our day to day duties and forget to express our love and appreaciation to our partner. Even towards our children, we fail to express our appreciation and love then and there. Even the mundane things like finishing the work at hand should be done immediately lest they become too burdensome later if accumulated. Above all, today or present moment is in our hands, where as, tomorrow is not in our control. Tomorrow we may have some other urgent matter to attend to and this work which could have been easily finished today, may even be forgotten.
Past is gone, present is here and future may not be there. So, live every moment of life with joy; try to accomplish your duties with all your efforts and with postive attitude; cherish every moment with your loved ones!

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