We are now living through unexpected times in our lives...
Life may seem out of normal, and we wish to go back to normal...
I came across this quote... "In the rush to return to normal, use this time to consider which parts of “Normal” are worth rushing back to..."
Let's slow down and use this adversity as an opportunity and do some self contemplation....
It is now the time for us to slow down a bit, give the much needed space and time for nature to heal itself and others, realize that Health is the real wealth and prevention is better than cure...
It is now the time to realize that "Life" as we call it is defined by your "Present" moment, and that's what is to be cherished and valued...
It is now the time to slow down, and spend time with family..
Take time to connect with friends and family, far and near, show them your gratitude, encouraging them to stay safe..
It is time to pause, watch the skies that seems to be getting clearer as we have paused the generations of pollution...
Thanks to Spring, I can relax in the cozy space of my backyard, enjoy watching the graceful birds playing on birdbath and bushes, their faint chirping that now sound like an audible melodious birdsong...
The green leaves and rustling branches that have a deep aesthetic appeal...
All these pleasant diversions that I am enjoying, away from the stark lines and harsh noises of the manmade environment, which I had once started believing to be "Normal"...
They're a revitalizing reminder that all of us, the confirmed urban dwellers, are still part of our natural beautiful world.
It is now time for us to show gratitude for everyone and everything around us.
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